Epkgs: Kludges

Table of Contents


1. Add provided features

Package (19) Class Feature Reason
edb orphaned edbcore generated
emacs builtin cus-load generated
emacs builtin leim-list generated
eshell builtin esh-groups generated
finder builtin finder-inf generated
ddskk github skk-kanagaki inside directory containing .nosearch
ddskk github skk-tutcode inside directory containing .nosearch
realgud github bashdb inside directory containing .nosearch
sly github sly-buttons inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-cl-indent inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-common inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-completion inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-messages inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-parse inside directory containing .nosearch #85
sly github sly-tests inside directory containing .nosearch #85
fuz github fuz-core provided by module
fzf-native github fzf-native-module provided by module
geo sourcehut geocode-emacs provided by module
hotfuzz github hotfuzz-module provided by module
jirascope github jirascope-dyn provided by module
liberime github liberime-core provided by module
pq github pq-core provided by module
sqlite3 github sqlite3-api provided by module
tree-sitter shelved tsc-dyn provided by module
vterm github vterm-module provided by module
wisitoken-grammar-mode gnu-elpa wisitokengrammar1-process provided by module
xeft sourcehut xapian-lite provided by module

2. Drop provided features

Package (5) Class Feature Reason
rgb gitlab el-mock pending #1
rgb gitlab ert-expectations pending #1
emacspeak github light wontfix #73
gumshoe github targets/install-deps conflicting test file
ivy github targets/install-deps conflicting test file
emacspeak github tetris wontfix #73

3. Drop required features

Package (79) Class Feature Reason
ac-octave github octave-inf backward compatibility
achievements gitlab command-frequency shelved soft
aozora-view github ivs-aj1 pending #3
auto-complete github semantic-ia backward compatibility
auto-complete-nxml github anything-project anything
bbdb nongnu vm-autoloads generated external file
borg github loaddefs-gen forward compatibility
bts github el-expectations deprecated testing framework
bts github pophint-config pending #17
caskxy github el-expectations deprecated testing framework
centered-window github mac-win Mac-port compatibility #28
citeproc github org-bibtex backward compatibility #7
color-moccur github moccur-edit shelved soft
company github semantic-idle backward compatibility
company-fuzzy github flex wiki soft
dic-lookup-w3m shelved text-translator broken and optional
dired+ wiki help+20 backward compatibility
dired+ wiki subr-21 backward compatibility
doremi-cmd wiki color-theme backward compatibility
eaf github org-docview backward compatibility
ecb github escreen shelved soft
ecb github semantic-analyze backward compatibility: #24
ecb github semantic-ctxt backward compatibility: #24
ecb github thing XEmacs compatibility
ee gnu bbdb-autoloads generated external file
el-autoyas github yasnippet-bundle backward compatibility: #4
emms-player-mpv-jp-radios github anything anything
erlang github tags backward compatibility
es-lib github ack-and-a-half removed due to license violations: #3
extend-dnd github yasnippet-bundle backward compatibility: #4
folding github mode-motion XEmacs compatibility
frontside-javascript github company-lsp pending #7403
fstar-mode github replace replace.el doesn't provide feature in Emacs < 26
gradle sourcehut project-root shelved soft
help+ wiki info+20 backward compatibility
hyperbole gnu efs XEmacs compatibility
hyperbole gnu kotl-autoloads generated external file
icicles wiki anything anything
icicles wiki color-theme backward compatibility
jda github anything anything
jdee github working stand-alone cedet compatibility
lacarte wiki subr-21 backward compatibility
latex-extra github tex-buf backward compatibility
lilypond gnu ilisp only required by a single undocumented command
lispxmp github newxmp pending: newxmp has not been released yet (email)
lispy github mash-python pending #377 (unreleased)
load-theme-buffer-local github color-theme backward compatibility
markchars gnu-elpa idn shelved soft
menu-bar+ wiki help+20 backward compatibility
menu-bar+ wiki info+20 backward compatibility
mew github mw32script Meadow Emacs compatibility
mew github un-define XEmacs compatibility
mhc github bitmap XEmacs compatibility
mhc github mhc-bm Mule compatibility
mhc github mhc-xmas XEmacs compatibility
mhc github pcustom Mule compatibility
mhc github poe Mule compatibility
molokai-theme github color-theme backward compatibility
mu4e-views github mu4e-utils backward compatibility
mu4e-views github mu4e-view-gnus backward compatibility
mu4e-views github mu4e-view-old backward compatibility
navi2ch github bitmap XEmacs compatibility
navi2ch github spamfilter shelved soft
org gnu nnselect forward compatibility
org gnu org-remember backward compatibility
org-readme github org-html backward compatibility: #19
org-redmine orphaned anything anything
org-ref github org-bibtex backward compatibility #649
org-toodledo github org-toodledo-test fixme #6
osa github mac provided by Mitsuharu Yamamoto's Emacs Mac Port ?
ox-hugo github org-info backward compatibility
ox-latex-subfigure github org-loaddefs generated external file
pinot github anything-config anything
plsense github perl-completion anything
project-explorer github ack-and-a-half removed due to license violations: #47
prosjekt github anything anything
python-mode gitlab org-loaddefs generated external file
python-mode gitlab pymacs it's complicated (email)
r-autoyas github yasnippet-bundle backward compatibility: #4
rcodetools subtree anything anything
rcodetools subtree anything-show-completion anything
show-marks github fm shelved soft
simple-call-tree github fm shelved soft
snapshot-timemachine-rsnapshot github seq-25 backward compatibility
stickies github anything anything
straight github comp forward compatibility (Emacs 28)
string-utils github obarray-fns shelved soft
tramp gnu tramp-loaddefs generated internal file
tree-sitter-indent shelved csharp-tree-sitter for tests only
tss github anything anything
tss github moz shelved soft
twittering-mode shelved revive false-positive
ucs-utils github ucs-utils-6.0-delta backward compatibility
vbasense github anything-project anything
vm gitlab atomic-extents XEmacs compatibility
vm gitlab highlight-headers XEmacs compatibility
vm gitlab timer-funcs XEmacs compatibility
vm gitlab vm-autoloads generated internal file
w3 gnu-elpa dtk-css-speech used to be part of emacspeak, not needed
w3 gnu-elpa dtk-voices used to be part of emacspeak, not needed
w3 gnu-elpa w3-site-init leftover noise
w3 gnu-elpa x-font-menu XEmacs compatibility
w3 gnu-elpa xbm-button XEmacs compatibility
w3 gnu-elpa xpm-button XEmacs compatibility
wanderlust github spamfilter shelved soft
xenops github tex-buf backward compatibility
yatex hg hilit19 backward compatibility

4. Patched packages

Package (15) Class Commits
apel github 3
auctex-latexmk github 1
emacspeak github 1
ert-runner github 1
flim github 3
go github 1
icons-in-terminal github 1
karma github 1
lookup github 1
monorepo-zenitani github 1
projmake-mode github 1
semi github 2
slime github 1
tenv github 1
wanderlust github 2

5. Filtered repositories

Package (24) Modified M Url
agda2-mode 2023-10-06   https://github.com/agda/agda
cg 2022-09-30 git@github.com:GrammarSoft/cg3.git
cmake-mode 2023-10-02 https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake
cubicle-mode 2017-10-09 git@github.com:cubicle-model-checker/cubicle.git
diffscuss-mode 2014-10-14 https://github.com/tomheon/diffscuss
dune 2019-10-16 git@github.com:ocaml/dune.git
egison-mode 2020-01-08 git@github.com:egison/egison.git
golint 2018-02-21 git@github.com:golang/lint.git
govc 2022-05-06 git@github.com:vmware/govmomi.git
gvpr-mode 2018-10-17 git@github.com:rodw/gvpr-lib.git
kivy-mode 2021-03-18 git@github.com:kivy/kivy.git
lambdapi-mode 2023-07-28 git@github.com:Deducteam/lambdapi.git
lfe-mode 2021-06-03 git@github.com:rvirding/lfe.git
mandoku 2018-04-03 git@github.com:mandoku/mandoku.git
merlin 2023-09-19 https://github.com/ocaml/merlin
mozart 2017-11-11   git@github.com:mozart/mozart2.git
mozc 2023-09-01 git@github.com:google/mozc.git
password-store 2023-05-03 https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store
po-mode 2023-10-06 https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/gettext
protobuf-mode 2022-03-18 git@github.com:google/protobuf.git
rcodetools 2016-09-15   git@github.com:rcodetools/rcodetools.git
stumpwm-mode 2018-06-29 git@github.com:stumpwm/stumpwm-contrib.git
thrift 2023-07-08 https://github.com/apache/thrift
utop 2023-07-07 git@github.com:diml/utop.git

Other repositories that should be filtered (or better yet, split up by upstream):

6. Set main library

7. Set tracked branch

Package (6) Branch Class Repo
ansible-vault master github zellio/ansible-vault-mode
async-backup development codeberg contrapunctus/async-backup
elpa-admin elpa-admin git  
sxiv dev codeberg contrapunctus/sxiv.el
taxy-magit-section package/taxy-magit-section github alphapapa/taxy.el
zero-input pkg git https://gitlab.emacsos.com/sylecn/zero-el

Created: 2025-03-23 Sun 20:27
