Epkgs: Overview
Table of Contents
1. Summary
Epkg | Mirror | Attic | Emacs | GNU Elpa | NonGNU Elpa | Melpa | |
builtin | 503 | 498 | 22 | ||||
gnu-elpa | 147 | 147 | 143 | ||||
nongnu-elpa | 0 | 0 | 1 | ||||
github | 5618 | 5618 | 227 | 192 | 5004 | ||
gitlab | 198 | 198 | 19 | 16 | 179 | ||
codeberg | 150 | 150 | 22 | 35 | 117 | ||
sourcehut | 90 | 90 | 19 | 6 | 67 | ||
gnu | 8 | 8 | 9 | 0 | 3 | ||
nongnu | 7 | 7 | 3 | 0 | 2 | ||
git | 120 | 120 | 14 | 6 | 98 | ||
hg | 16 | 16 | 1 | 0 | 14 | ||
subtree | 24 | 24 | |||||
wiki | 165 | 165 | |||||
file | 8 | 8 | |||||
orphaned | 137 | 137 | 108 | ||||
shelved | 2066 | 2066 | 27 | ||||
mirror | 14 | ||||||
secondary | 254 | ||||||
unreleased | 5 | 0 | |||||
total | 9257 | 6688 | 2066 | 498 | 484 | 256 | 5887 |
- Most built-in packages are not mirrored. They are included in the Epkg database, but no individual repositories exist for them on the Emacsmirror.
- "Core" packages (i.e., those that are also distributed on GNU Elpa for use with older Emacs releases) used to be mirrored but no tool exists that is truely capable of doing that reliably and efficiently, so these repositories ended up never being updated and were removed.
- Three built-in packages (
) are mirrored, but in those cases the Emacsmirror tracks the upstream repositories, not the version in Emacs, which explains the apparent discrepancy in thebuiltin
row. - The Emacsmirror prefers mirroring packages from the upstream
repository, even when they are also available from GNU Elpa.
That explaining the apparent discrepancy in the
row. - Melpa gets some packages from the Emacsmirror (
row), because for one reason or another it is not able to get them directly from upstream. - Melpa also gets some packages from the Emacsattic (
row), likely because the upstream repository has disappeared. Such packages are "shelved", that is, they are moved from the Emacsmirror to the Emacsattic. Melpa doesn't support demoting packages like this, so here we tend to keep them around longer, treating the attic as the "upstream". - When a repository is used to maintain a "main" package as well
as one or more "extentions" to that package, then Melpa often
distributes these packages individually, while the Emacsmirror
does not split up such repositories into multiple packages.
Such "secondary packages" are accounted for in the
row and listed in the "Shared repository" table below.
2. Emacs
2.1. Prefer elpa
2.2. Prefer upstream
Package (5) | Class |
compat | github |
editorconfig | github |
org | gnu |
tramp | gnu |
transient | github |
3. GNU Elpa
3.1. New
3.2. Delayed
Package (1) | Elpa | Reason |
cond-star | core | TODO mirror |
3.3. Unreleased
3.4. Shelved
3.5. Diverging repositories
Package (1) | Mirror | Elpa | ||
flymake-clippy | github | https://github.com/mgmarlow/flymake-clippy | github | https://github.com/mak-kirkland/flymake-clippy |
- 2025-03-23 flymake-clippy [BROKEN LINK: notmuch-tree:thread:0000000000019d07 and (flymake-clippy)]
3.6. Prefer builtin
Package (28) | Elpa | Reason |
bind-key | core | |
cl-generic | internal | backport of builtin |
cl-lib | internal | backport of builtin |
csharp-mode | github | |
eglot | core | |
eldoc | core | |
erc | core | |
external-completion | core | |
flymake | core | |
idlwave | github | |
jsonrpc | core | |
let-alist | core | |
map | core | |
nadvice | internal | backport of builtin |
ntlm | core | |
peg | internal | |
project | core | |
python | core | |
seq | internal | backport of builtin |
so-long | core | |
soap-client | core | |
svg | core | |
track-changes | core | |
use-package | core | |
verilog-mode | core | |
which-key | core | |
window-tool-bar | core | |
xref | core |
3.7. Prefer Elpa despite :url
Package (12) | :url |
paced | bzr::bzr://bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/paced-el/trunk |
org-edna | bzr::https://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/git/org-edna-el |
bluetooth | https://codeberg.org/rstocker/emacs-bluetooth |
buildbot | https://g.ypei.me/buildbot.el.git |
vcl-mode | https://git.gnu.org.ua/vcl-mode.git |
org-gnosis | https://git.thanosapollo.org/org-gnosis |
phps-mode | https://github.com/cjohansson/emacs-phps-mode |
clipboard-collector | https://github.com/clemera/clipboard-collector |
ebdb | https://github.com/girzel/ebdb.git |
chess | https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-chess.git |
ioccur | https://github.com/thierryvolpiatto/ioccur.git |
ediprolog | https://github.com/triska/ediprolog |
4. NonGNU Elpa
4.1. New
4.2. Delayed
4.3. Unreleased
4.4. Shelved
Package (1) | Elpa |
xah-fly-keys | github |
4.5. Diverging repositories
Package (1) | Mirror | Elpa | ||
tablist | orphaned | https://github.com/emacsorphanage/tablist | github | https://github.com/politza/tablist |
- 2024-02-20 tablist: orphanage should probably be preferred
5. Melpa
5.1. New
5.2. Delayed
Package (4) | Melpa | Reason |
connection | github | Don't add; part of upstream dictionary but not Emacs |
django-snippets | github | Don't add; part of shelved django-mode |
link | github | Don't add; part of upstream dictionary but not Emacs |
ob-lurk | github | FIXME false-positive |
5.3. Shelved
5.4. Shared repositories
Primary package (145) | Secondary package | Class |
750words | ox-750words | github |
ac-php | ac-php-core | github |
ac-php | company-php | github |
agda2-mode | annotation | subtree |
agda2-mode | eri | subtree |
ameba | flycheck-ameba | github |
biblio | biblio-core | github |
bibtex-completion | helm-bibtex | github |
bibtex-completion | ivy-bibtex | github |
bind-chord | use-package-chords | github |
boa-ide | boa-mode | github |
bufler | helm-bufler | github |
button-lock | wiki-nav | github |
calfw | calfw-cal | github |
calfw | calfw-howm | github |
calfw | calfw-ical | github |
calfw | calfw-org | github |
cardano-tx | bech32 | github |
cardano-tx | cbor | github |
cardano-tx | ouroboros | github |
cardano-tx | readable-numbers | github |
cfn-mode | flycheck-cfn | gitlab |
chronometrist | chronometrist-key-values | codeberg |
chronometrist | chronometrist-spark | codeberg |
circe | tracking | github |
citar | citar-embark | github |
clojure-essential-ref | clojure-essential-ref-nov | github |
clojure-mode | clojure-mode-extra-font-locking | github |
codesearch | projectile-codesearch | github |
colorless-themes | lavenderless-theme | sourcehut |
colorless-themes | nordless-theme | sourcehut |
compile-multi | compile-multi-all-the-icons | github |
compile-multi | compile-multi-embark | github |
compile-multi | compile-multi-nerd-icons | github |
compile-multi | consult-compile-multi | github |
consult-eglot | consult-eglot-embark | github |
consult-gh | consult-gh-embark | github |
consult-gh | consult-gh-forge | github |
consult-gh | consult-gh-with-pr-review | github |
copyit | copyit-pandoc | github |
crystal-mode | flycheck-crystal | github |
ctl-mode | gs-mode | github |
dash | dash-functional | github |
datetime-format | timecop | github |
ddskk | ccc | github |
ddskk | cdb | github |
deferred | concurrent | github |
denote-sections | denote-citar-sections | sourcehut |
dired-hacks | dired-avfs | github |
dired-hacks | dired-collapse | github |
dired-hacks | dired-filter | github |
dired-hacks | dired-hacks-utils | github |
dired-hacks | dired-list | github |
dired-hacks | dired-narrow | github |
dired-hacks | dired-open | github |
dired-hacks | dired-rainbow | github |
dired-hacks | dired-ranger | github |
dired-hacks | dired-subtree | github |
dired-rsync | dired-rsync-transient | github |
distel-completion-lib | auto-complete-distel | github |
distel-completion-lib | company-distel | github |
dix | dix-evil | github |
dogears | helm-dogears | github |
dylan | dime | github |
eclim | ac-emacs-eclim | github |
eclim | company-emacs-eclim | github |
el-secretario | el-secretario-elfeed | sourcehut |
el-secretario | el-secretario-mu4e | sourcehut |
el-secretario | el-secretario-notmuch | sourcehut |
el-secretario | el-secretario-org | sourcehut |
elcute | slurpbarf | codeberg |
elfeed-tube | elfeed-tube-mpv | github |
embark | avy-embark-collect | github |
embark | embark-consult | github |
espotify | consult-spotify | codeberg |
espotify | ivy-spotify | codeberg |
esqlite | esqlite-helm | github |
evil | evil-test-helpers | github |
ewal | ewal-doom-themes | github |
ewal | ewal-evil-cursors | github |
ewal | ewal-spacemacs-themes | github |
flutter | flutter-l10n-flycheck | github |
flx | flx-ido | github |
flycheck-aspell | flymake-aspell | github |
flyspell-correct | flyspell-correct-avy-menu | github |
flyspell-correct | flyspell-correct-helm | github |
flyspell-correct | flyspell-correct-ivy | github |
flyspell-correct | flyspell-correct-popup | github |
friendly-shell | friendly-remote-shell | github |
friendly-shell | friendly-shell-command | github |
frimacs | ob-fricas | github |
fsharp-mode | eglot-fsharp | github |
fuz | helm-fuz | github |
git-emacs | git-blamed | github |
gitlab | helm-gitlab | github |
gitlab | ivy-gitlab | github |
go-mode | go-guru | github |
go-mode | go-rename | github |
groovy-mode | grails-mode | github |
haskell-emacs | haskell-emacs-base | github |
haskell-emacs | haskell-emacs-text | github |
helm | helm-core | github |
historian | ivy-historian | github |
hydra | lv | github |
indent-lint | flycheck-indent | github |
islisp-mode | inferior-islisp | gitlab |
ivy | counsel | github |
ivy | ivy-avy | github |
ivy | ivy-hydra | github |
ivy | swiper | github |
jade-mode | stylus-mode | github |
jade-mode | sws-mode | github |
jedi | jedi-core | github |
jump | inflections | github |
kaesar | kaesar-file | github |
kaesar | kaesar-mode | github |
kaesar | kaesar-pbkdf2 | github |
kaleidoscope | kaleidoscope-evil-state-flash | git |
keg | flycheck-keg | github |
keg | keg-mode | github |
kubel | kubel-evil | github |
kubernetes | kubernetes-evil | github |
langtool | langtool-popup | github |
load-theme-buffer-local | color-theme-buffer-local | github |
mac-pseudo-daemon | osx-pseudo-daemon | github |
magit | magit-section | github |
major-mode-hydra | pretty-hydra | github |
maxima | company-maxima | gitlab |
media-progress | media-progress-dired | github |
media-progress | media-progress-dirvish | github |
merlin | merlin-ac | subtree |
merlin | merlin-company | subtree |
merlin | merlin-iedit | subtree |
metal-archives | metal-archives-shopping-list | github |
monorepo-cadadr | bibliothek | codeberg |
monorepo-cadadr | forecast | codeberg |
monorepo-cadadr | org-variable-pitch | codeberg |
monorepo-cadadr | paper-theme | codeberg |
monorepo-zenitani | smart-compile | github |
musicbrainz | listenbrainz | github |
nameframe | nameframe-perspective | github |
nameframe | nameframe-project | github |
nameframe | nameframe-projectile | github |
nand2tetris | company-nand2tetris | github |
nand2tetris | nand2tetris-assembler | github |
native-complete | company-native-complete | github |
nixos-options | company-nixos-options | github |
nixos-options | helm-nixos-options | github |
nixos-options | nix-sandbox | github |
opener | evil-opener | github |
org-agenda-files-track | org-agenda-files-track-ql | sourcehut |
org-cite-overlay | org-cite-overlay-sidecar | sourcehut |
org-multi-wiki | helm-org-multi-wiki | github |
org-pdftools | org-noter-pdftools | github |
org-project-capture | org-category-capture | github |
org-project-capture | org-projectile | github |
org-project-capture | org-projectile-helm | github |
org-ql | helm-org-ql | github |
org-recent-headings | helm-org-recent-headings | github |
org-roam-ql | org-roam-ql-ql | github |
org-starter | org-starter-swiper | github |
org2blog | metaweblog | github |
ox-twiki | ox-tiddly | github |
package-lint | package-lint-flymake | github |
pest-mode | flycheck-pest | github |
pest-mode | flymake-pest | github |
phpactor | company-phpactor | github |
phpstan | flycheck-phpstan | github |
phpstan | flymake-phpstan | github |
pig-mode | pig-snippets | github |
pollen-mode | company-pollen | github |
prescient | company-prescient | github |
prescient | corfu-prescient | github |
prescient | ivy-prescient | github |
prescient | selectrum-prescient | github |
prescient | vertico-prescient | github |
processing-mode | processing-snippets | github |
projection | projection-dape | github |
projection | projection-multi | github |
projection | projection-multi-embark | github |
prosjekt | dirtree-prosjekt | github |
prosjekt | helm-prosjekt | github |
psalm | flycheck-psalm | github |
request | request-deferred | github |
restclient | restclient-helm | github |
restclient | restclient-jq | github |
retraction-viewer | retraction-viewer-section | sourcehut |
rinari | ruby-compilation | github |
ripgrep | projectile-ripgrep | github |
rtags | ac-rtags | github |
rtags | company-rtags | github |
rtags | flycheck-rtags | github |
rtags | helm-rtags | github |
rtags | ivy-rtags | github |
rtags | rtags-xref | github |
semaphore | semaphore-promise | github |
sift | projectile-sift | github |
smart-mode-line | smart-mode-line-powerline-theme | github |
solidity-mode | company-solidity | github |
solidity-mode | solidity-flycheck | github |
sourcekit | company-sourcekit | github |
speechd | speechd-el | github |
springboard | ido-springboard | github |
stan-mode | company-stan | github |
stan-mode | eldoc-stan | github |
stan-mode | flycheck-stan | github |
stan-mode | stan-snippets | github |
term-manager | term-project | github |
term-manager | term-projectile | github |
tern | tern-auto-complete | github |
tmsu | ol-tmsu | github |
totp-auth | base32 | gitlab |
transient-extras | transient-extras-a2ps | github |
transient-extras | transient-extras-lp | github |
tree-edit | evil-tree-edit | github |
tree-sitter | tsc | shelved |
treemacs | treemacs-all-the-icons | github |
treemacs | treemacs-evil | github |
treemacs | treemacs-icons-dired | github |
treemacs | treemacs-magit | github |
treemacs | treemacs-persp | github |
treemacs | treemacs-perspective | github |
treemacs | treemacs-projectile | github |
treemacs | treemacs-tab-bar | github |
universal-sidecar | ebdb-mua-sidecar | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | ebib-sidecar | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | universal-sidecar-citeproc | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | universal-sidecar-elfeed-related | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | universal-sidecar-elfeed-score | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | universal-sidecar-roam | sourcehut |
universal-sidecar | wordcount-section | sourcehut |
vdm-mode | flycheck-vdm | github |
vdm-mode | vdm-comint | github |
vdm-mode | vdm-snippets | github |
w3m | shimbun | github |
wgrep | wgrep-ack | github |
wgrep | wgrep-ag | github |
wgrep | wgrep-deadgrep | github |
wgrep | wgrep-helm | github |
wgrep | wgrep-pt | github |
wildcharm-theme | wildcharm-light-theme | github |
window-jump | spaces | github |
window-jump | splitter | github |
xwwp | xwwp-follow-link-helm | github |
xwwp | xwwp-follow-link-ivy | github |
ycm | company-ycm | github |
ycmd | company-ycmd | github |
ycmd | flycheck-ycmd | github |
zetteldesk | zetteldesk-info | github |
zetteldesk | zetteldesk-kb | github |
zetteldesk | zetteldesk-ref | github |
zetteldesk | zetteldesk-remark | github |
zk | zk-desktop | github |
zk | zk-index | github |
5.5. Diverging repositories
Package (1) | Mirror | Melpa | ||
typo | codeberg | pkal/typo.el | github | jorgenschaefer/typoel |
- 2025-01-06 typo: Maintainers contacted by mail.
Notes on builtin packages, which are not listed above by default.
- csharp-mode: "this repo will continue being available from (M)ELPA for some time for backwards compatibility."
- dictionary:
- elixir-ts-mode: "This package is a backport from Emacs core for the use with Emacs 29.1. Please report bugs or submit patches to the Emacs directly"
- faceup:
- heex-ts-mode: "This package is a backport from Emacs core for the use with Emacs 29.1. Please report bugs or submit patches to the Emacs directly"
- less-css-mode: "Deprecation notice: this package is now included in Emacs core, so users of recent Emacs versions will not need to install it separately. This standalone version will not be maintained separately."
- wallpaper:
- which-key: "which-key is now included in the master branch of Emacs and will likely be released with Emacs v30. Bug reports and contributions to which-key will now be considered through standard Emacs channels, and this repository is being archived."
5.6. Diverging branches
Package (1) | Used | Forced | Melpa | Class | Fetcher | Repo |
prettier | master | release | github | github | jscheid/prettier.el |
- 2022-08-21 prettier https://github.com/melpa/melpa/pull/6990#issuecomment-2159296874
5.7. From Emacsmirror
Package (14) | Url |
apel | https://github.com/emacsmirror/apel |
auctex-latexmk | https://github.com/emacsmirror/auctex-latexmk |
clang-format | https://github.com/emacsmirror/clang-format |
darcsum | https://github.com/emacsmirror/darcsum |
dsvn | https://github.com/emacsmirror/dsvn |
edit-list | https://github.com/emacsmirror/edit-list |
flim | https://github.com/emacsmirror/flim |
helm-ls-svn | https://github.com/emacsmirror/helm-ls-svn |
highlight | https://github.com/emacsmirror/highlight |
po-mode | https://github.com/emacsmirror/po-mode |
quack | https://github.com/emacsmirror/quack |
semi | https://github.com/emacsmirror/semi |
tex-smart-umlauts | https://github.com/emacsmirror/tex-smart-umlauts |
wanderlust | https://github.com/emacsmirror/wanderlust |